From Pierre WOLFERS Laboratoire de Cristallographie de Grenoble, CNRS, BP 166, F 38042 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9, FRANCE. Version of MXD software for UNIX systems. ( Well tested on UNIX system: HPUX and LINUX ) MXD V3.9 - E Unix compatible version of MXD ------------ ------------------------------ 1/ installation : ----------------- a/ You must select a directory to store the mxd kits (mxd and pas_lib), with an appropriate write and execute access. The installation default is "/usr/local" where two new directory will be created with the names "/usr/local/paskit" and "/usr/local/mxdkit" where the required files must be stored. An C header file "cpas_defs.h" must be also stored in the directory "/usr/local/include". In last step a symbolic link must be created in "/usr/local/bin" to win exec access to the program mxd_cmp, the MXD data compiler. b/ You get the appropriate kit files of pas_lib and mxd from the URL.: in image (or binary) mode. You put its in an empty temporary directory. c/ You use the following tar commands to expend the file structures for the paslib set (A PASCAL library used by MXD) and the MXD software in mxdkit set (Example for linux-i386 = Linux on Pentium and compatibles: To install or update the cpas_lib Pascal Run-Time Library : # tar -xzvf linux-i386-pas_lib_V1.8C.tgz # cd cpas_lib # chmod +x # ./ To update the cpas_lib Pascal Run-Time Library (if the actual installed version the version V1.8B or above (by using the actual cpsh shell) : # tar -xzvf linux-i386-pas_lib_V1.8C.tgz # cd cpas_lib # cpsh cpas_lib_update.cpsh The both methods inquire the user to get the installation root of the CPAS Programs (including cpas_lib, optional Cpas compiler, and any Layered product as mxd. The standard answer is /usr/local . To install or update the mxd system : # tar -xzvf linux-i386-mxd_V3.9E.tgz # cd mxd # cpsh install d/ You edit the "mxd_setup" file for your local particularities and you execute it by the command "source mxd_setup". This mxd_setup file must be execute by each MXD user to define the MXD alias : 1/ insert the "mxd_setup.csh" file in the login time file ".cshrc" (if csh is your selected shell). 2/ or execute the command (in csh shell) : # source /usr/local/mxdkit/mxd_setup.csh (for csh/tcsh shell) # source /usr/local/mxdkit/mxd_setup. sh (for bash/sh shell of Linux) The "mxd_setup.csh" or "" files are used to set all the required logical names and alias to use the mxd programs. These script file must be activate by the source command in the user login profil file. Its define the next following logical devices: Logical name Current translation (or environment variable) (or value) "NL" "/dev/null" "TT" "/dev/tty" "PASENV" where is the pascal library, "MXDLIB" where is the MXD software. e/ You can check your installation by the command : # mls ivp ivp that run a small MXD Least-Squares job. MXD creates two files: ivp.lis the listing of data compiler, and lsq_ivp.lis the listing of least squares computing. You can examine or print these files. f/ You can delete (rm command) all yours file in the temporary directories. 2/ Use : -------- To use MXD on UNIX system you must include in your user profile or execute the next following command (can be also in a common profile file): if the mxd kit is located in /usr/local/mxd directory : # source /usr/local/mxd/ for sh, bash and ksh Shell, # source /usr/local/mxd/mxd_setup.csh for csh or tcsh Shell. Examine the mxdguide.doc file for any examples and specifications. the main change from the manual are the system call commands. You must call the main "mxd" task in a public directory, the commands are : mxd_cmp or mxd to enter the terminal mode (as for previous versions). mxd_cmp "" [] or mxd [] Is the UNIX equivalent of VMS command ( in the manual ) mxd [] where source_file is your mxd source file exemple: "mxd "" mxdlib:absorb" (in the manual). if the listing file is not specified, the listing on TT: is assumed and the listing flag is clear (can be set with PRAGMA L+; statement). mxd_cmp lsq [] [] or mls [] [] Is the UNIX equivalent of VMS command ( in the manual ) mls [] [] The new form mxd_cmp dialog lsq [] [] or mlsc [] [] Is a mls variant to change without any file edition the number of cycle(s) or the listing mode ("OPTION(SHORLST) = YES/NO"). it is self documented. With old MXD versions the listing name was always mxd.lis and mxdlsq.lis with this new version the listing name has as specified, with the preffix "lsq_" for the least squares file, the default file type is always ".lis". With the old MXD version the previous value of variables (from the last MXD run) was specified by an include statement that cab be using the logical device IN:. For this UNIX version, you can use same mod by using the setenv statement to change the in definition as this : csh/tcsh shell: setenv in ./ (for sy: in VMS system - see the manual), setenv in nl (for nl: in VMS system - see the manual). bash shell (for Linux): export in="./" (for sy: in VMS system - see the manual), export in="nl" (for nl: in VMS system - see the manual). with this method you must not specify the mls (or mlsc) parameter. If we want use the parameter you must suppress any "include 'IN:... " statement because the appropriate include is automaticaly performed by MXD with the specified parameter value. the default extension is ".sav". Good luke with MXD for UNIX. Pierre WOLFERS Laboratoire de Cristallographie CNRS BP 166 F 38042 GRENOBLE CEDEX FRANCE email address: ""